Posted by Madtinner on 4/16/2016 to
The Next Team Driver 4
So I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm downstairs working on
rebuilding an axle. And you get the "I can't open this jar can you get
it" call, and you just started greasing everything up. We'll hollering
back give me a minute usually means 20.

Yep. A tire. If you modify it a bit, it's now a jar opening machine. Just cut the sidewall out of one side.
Now slip it over the jar lid. No more hands slipping around.
So get a grip. Put those old tires to use!! 
So how to make opening that jar easy enough for everyone?

Well my solution looks like this.

Yep. A tire. If you modify it a bit, it's now a jar opening machine. Just cut the sidewall out of one side.

Now slip it over the jar lid. No more hands slipping around.
So get a grip. Put those old tires to use!!