Rings and hardware are not included in the conversion
Rings and hardware are not included in the conversion

Wheel Easy Mount Conversion (MI)

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Your Price: $7.00
Easy Mount Conversion
Part Number: SERV-9003-emc-MI
Availability: See details for average turnaround

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Price is per wheel.

If you have a set of our original 1.9" beadlock wheels that are not "Easy Mount" ... we can convert them to work with our Easy Mount rings.
(Currently available for 1.9" Wheels only)

Step 1: Checkout with 1 per wheel you want converted. (Ex: 5 wheels = Quantity 5).
Step 2: After checkout, we will email you shipping instructions for your wheels.
Step 3: Ship us your washed (mild soap & water) & stripped down (no hardware installed) wheels.
Step 4: We will convert your wheel to work with Easy Mount rings.
Step 5: We ship your wheels back to you.

Typical turnaround is 1 week.

Please note:
-Shipping added at checkout is to return the wheel(s) to you.
--If you add non service items to your cart, your entire order will be delayed until services are complete.
-If you send completely filthy wheels we will have to charge for our time to wash them.
-If you send assembled beadlocks we will have to charge for our time to tear them down.
-If you require more than one service on the same wheel, we suggest using our "1.9" Wheel Complete Services (MI)" to avoid duplicate shipping charges.

Contact us for more details.

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